BYU Noteworthy in Austin
/Noteworthy Austin Performance on Nov 2nd
AUSTIN, Texas — Noteworthy, the 2018 Brigham Young University women’s A Capella group, traveled from Provo, Utah, to Texas this past weekend for a three city tour that included stops in Dallas, Austin and Houston, performing for over 900 guests in each city.
Thank you everyone who attended last night for an amazing performance. We will never for get Meg the Beat-boxing Disney princess park ranger and rest of the amazing Noteworthy singers! Amazing Grace was ... amazing. It was truly a night to remember.
North Austin Gateway Church was the local venue where many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered for a family friendly night of entertainment featuring the nine female voices who filled the stage with a variety of songs — Feeling Good, Amazing Grace, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Rolling on the River and more.
Austin BYU Alumni Chapter hosted the event and a pre-show meet and greet was held for guests to interact with the BYU student singers.

Pictures of Noteworthy on Nov 2nd in Austin, Texas
Autographed poster of noteworthy. Members include Allie, Amy, Kacey, Anna, Cami, Maryn, Megan, Ellie, and Lizzy.
“I love this picture. I think that this is really what the night was all about. These young girls are making Noteworthy singers their heroes instead of Britney Spears and that is priceless! I have a five year old daughter and I hope she picks the Noteworthy girls as her role models.” - Joseph Fluckiger, Austin BYU Alumni
Noteworthy Stage Crew
The noteworthy stage crew: Amy Whitcomb (Artistic Director), Bryce (sound tech) and Amanda (stage manager) were amazing. It was impressive how much those three are able to accomplish. Amy Whitcomb who is a previous member of Noteworthy in 2007 and joined this year as Artistic Director has had a successful music career herself. She has revitalized the group. During the performance Bryce and Amy were a great team at the sound board. Bryce would start the entire audience clapping, and Amy was speaking in her mic furiously directing the singers the whole time and dancing in her chair getting the audience into the performance. They were a good team.
Noteworthy Messages
The messages that Noteworthy talks about during their show and what the singers of Noteworthy exemplify include:
The importance of higher education
Being happy
Its ok to be different. Meg talked about her dream to be a beat-boxing Disney princess park Ranger. She found that she didn’t have to be a “typical” Disney princess, that doing what she loved and being who she was is what matters.
Amy said "This song is about loving yourself, and coming to terms with who you are and not listening to what the world tells you what to be.” She admonished: “Embrace being unique and quirky and find your true self."
Being a strong woman in a man's world
Being there for your friends
The giddy feeling of being in love, both at first love and in marriage
Appreciation for music teachers. During the middle of the performance, Maryn asked all the music teachers in attendance to stand and the audience gave them a round of applause. She talked about how music teachers are the people in our lives who encourage us and see the potential in us.
Accepting change and allowing it to strengthen us an those we love
The noteworthy singers talked about serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Meg mentioned she served her mission in Texas and how much she loves the people of Texas.
Daily prayer, study and faith in God can help us to navigate change and life. Noteworthy then sang "Amazing Grace", which was unbelievably awesome.
At the end of the performance, Amy talked about pushing yourself to reach your full potential and thanked their artistic director Amy.
All of these messages are, well, ... Noteworthy.
Choral Workshop
The pre-show high school choirs singing before the show in Austin was a nice touch.
The choral workshops in Dallas and Austin were amazing! Amy Whitcomb was great asking questions and guiding the discussion. The Noteworthy girls were so good to work with the kids and those high school choirs will never forget that experience, and they did so well. They sounded amazing.
Additional Articles about the Noteworthy Austin Performance
Noteworthy Is Praiseworthy Article at by Kelly J. Larson