2019 Tech Summit
On Friday November 8, 2019, BYU Alumni Austin Chapter will host the Austin Tech Summit at the Dell campus in Round Rock.
The purpose of this event is to build and support the local tech community by providing networking and professional development opportunities.
At this event, Austin-area tech professionals will be able to:
Build bridges
Deepen technical knowledge
Spark ideas for potential exploration
We expect participation from some of Austin’s most prominent tech companies to local tech start-ups and hope you will join us!
7:30-8:30 Women in Tech Pre-ception*
8:00 Pre-conference networking & breakfast
8:30 Opening & BYU Update
9:00 Keynote Speaker: Sonia Clayton - The Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution
9:45 Break
10:00 Speaker: Tal Tversky - Data Science
10:30 Speaker: Rick Ashford - Open Source
11:00 Open Spaces
12:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00 Speaker: Neal Robison - Gamification: Making Boring Things Fun
1:30 Speaker: Terry Kahler - Technology & Leadership
2:00 Break
2:15 Workshops - Micah Lorenc, Chris Hammond, Travis Oliphant, Russ Lyman, Akshay Mittal
3:30 Break
3:45 Speaker: Travis Oliphant - An Introduction to Machine Learning
4:15 Speaker: Jayson Wilkinson - Why Dumbing it Down is a Smart Move
4:45 Closing Remarks
*Come early for a chance to network with other women in tech!
Meet our Experts - Read their bio here.
Dell Campus 524 Louis Henna Blvd, Round Rock 2-East Building -Rooms: Dallas & Houston,
Round Rock, TX
General Admission - Early Bird (available until 10/19/19)
General Admission ticket with an early bird discount. Includes admission, food (breakfast, lunch, snacks), and beverages.
General Admission
General Admission ticket with an early bird discount. Includes admission, food (breakfast, lunch, snacks), and beverages.
Q: Is this event only for BYU Alumni?
A: Everyone is welcome at this event. In fact, the hope is that the Tech Summit can facilitate communications and connections between Cougars, Longhorns, Aggies, Utes and more.
Q: What is the dress code?
A: Business casual.
Q: What does the Tech Summit ticket price and sponsorship money pay for?
A: Ticket sales and sponsorship funds will cover event expenses (breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, printing materials, advertising, lanyards, etc). Any remaining proceeds will be donated to the Austin BYU Alumni Chapter to fund scholarships for students with demonstrated need.
Become an Event Sponsor
We are very excited to host this event and would appreciate your involvement as a potential sponsor. Please reach out if you have additional questions, would like to sponsor/attend, or visit the event website at: http://austintechsummit.org
Thank you for supporting the Austin Tech Summit. Event proceeds will go towards scholarships for Austin-area BYU students.
Event Sponsorship
See What We Experienced in 2018
Last year we had over 130 tech professionals from Central Texas and beyond! This will be a great opportunity to connect with your fellow tech community and expand your network. We would love to have you join us for an even bigger event this year.
Quotes from out 2018 Participants
“This was my first experience in attending a tech event like this. I was a little nervous and I am just finished my web design degree at BYU-I. I feel like I have so much knowledge at this point, I had a great time, and I was surprised to see that I could follow along. The speakers were wonderful.”
“The event was excellent. There was great turnout and I imagine it will be even bigger next year.”
“As a non-techie, I still found the whole day to be excellent. Great job!”
“It was great! Looking forward to next year already. Really enjoyed the speakers. Informative.”
“Lunch was very beneficial to open up for networking. It was a pleasure to hear from some knowledgeable speakers. Thank you for working os hard to see this be a success.”
“This has been an awesome event with guest speakers. Thanks and great work!”
“Excellent scope and topics.”
“Great energy. So glad I came!”
“This has been great! Current, informative, patient, engaging, and enjoyable!”
“Fantastic event – great speakers, good balance between high level and applicable. Great size event.”
“Great speakers. Very well organized.”
“Great venue! Food too! Enjoyed the speakers.”